
Brief 3 - DFGA poster mock ups (by Joe)

DFGA Posters mocked up onto ad pillars by Joe. Think these are looking really good and work brilliantly with the pdf yearbook.

Brief 5 - Carriageworks range

Range mock ups of carriageworks stationary from scanned images of stationary elements.

Brief 5 - Carriageworks web development

Developing the Carriageworks web presence along the same lines as the stationary. Using the same colourways was a good place to start and with the rgb it was possible to get a much more impacting version of the same colour. Along with this I kept the contact details on the left as the had been applied to the stationary in the same way and I thought this would make a further link between web and print deliverables as well as allowing the contact information to be seen the whole time. The home page would start with carriageworks in white but I think it should change to descriptive words about the carriageworks every few seconds by fading into the next word. This gives the viewer a good idea of what the Carriageworks is about in a fairly eyecatching manor. Once pages are selected this will just revert to the carriageworks and will sit in the background.

Brief 5 - Carriageworks web mock ups

mock up of the website in context. Think this is looking good and sits in line with the identity nicely.

Brief 5 - Carriageworks facade mock up.

Exterior signage mock up developed for the Carriageworks, using a photo I took from visiting the building. Not the best mock up ever but I think it gives a good idea of the kind of facade that the building would have with the new identity. 

the final image.

Brief 4 - Sound Bites - Wayfinding Mock up.

Above is the original image and the edited image with the developed wayfinding in place. I think this gives a good idea of how the wayfinding system would work, using the modular nature of the font developed and of the posters to work on. 

Brief 7 - Design Context Bound Publication.

The finished and bound design context publication. Perfect bound with half sheet cover. 106 pages altogether.

brief 7 - Design Context inner cover

Inside cover sheet for my design context publication which uses an image from each of the studios included in the publication. I have printed this in black and white with a 25% opacity so images are not too intrusive on the text. Text on the cover is printed in a shade of yellow similar to the colour of the half sheet cover. this was done by feeding the paper back through the printer after printing the original images in black and white and I think it works really well. Surprisingly so. Each of the images also has the letter corresponding to the studio that produced it overlaid.

Brief 7 - Design Context interview pages

Printed interview pages for my design context publication. These are printed on different colour stock from the main copy page and work almost like inserts. the first page for each reflects the page underneath it with the addition of the images on the page with a reduced opacity. All text on the interview pages is set in a shade of the colour that the paper is, and is set towards the outside edge of the page, images are on the inside. I think these inserts are working really nicely and give the publication a nice break from the standard white cartridge paper.

Brief 7 - Design Context cover

Printed cover for the context publication. Front cover is a reduced width sheet and works like an index page with studios ordered alphabetically. There are no page numbers in the publication, only letters that appear in the corners of every page corresponding to the letters on the front.